Sunday, May 28, 2006
Please take a few moments from your busy day to pause, reflect, and thank those who have served and are serving our country. Although this page is dedicated to veterans of our Armed Services, almost every American family, many without donning a uniform, has contributed to the preservation of the ideals of the United States of America. "Rosie the Riveter" serves as a symbol of all those who stayed behind during World War II.
Mom may have helped at the Red Cross or USO, and rolled bandages at home. School girls and boys knit scarves, socks, and mittens for the men on the front, and collected milkweed pods for life jacket fill. From the American Revolution to today's War on Terrorism, many are the untold stories and many are the unsung heroes.
Today we ask that you remember all those currently in the service of the United States and all her allies. While military conflicts are never easy to accept, neither are the denial of basic human rights. Whatever your opinions or beliefs, RESPECT and HONOR those who are answering the call to serve their country.