Tuesday, June 06, 2006



A person who is about to begin treatment with interferon, will likely be concerned about its potential side effects. This is understandable. After all, many people with hepatitis C feel fine, so it’s perfectly normal to worry about starting a medication that may make them feel sick. Alternatively, some people with hepatitis C already feel run down as a result of the virus. The last thing that these individuals want to do is to begin a medication that may make them feel even worse.

Side effects associated with any drug, including interferon, vary from person to person. This means that not everyone will experience a particular potential side effect. So, while some individuals feel quite ill while on interferon, others experience few, if any, side effects. And there are some individuals who actually feel better while on interferon. That’s right! This point bears repeating. It is a possibility that a person will have minimal to no side effects, or will even feel better than usual while on interferon. And, those that do experience adverse side effects usually do not experience them all the time. In fact, studies have shown that, only approximately two- to -five percent of people find the side effects of interferon so debilitating that discontinuation of therapy is necessary.


It is important to do everything you can to minimize the side effects of interferon therapy. Your objective should be to make sure that the side effects of interferon do not cause the discontinuation of therapy. Side effects of interferon therapy are usually the worst during the first few weeks of therapy. So, it’s important to try to stick with therapy for at least a month or two.

It typically takes the body this initial period of time to adjust to interferon. So, don’t assume that the way you feel after the first injection is the way you will feel every time you inject. Some people schedule time off from work for when they plan to start interferon therapy. Or, they begin therapy during their vacation week. Others plan to begin therapy when their work schedule or personal responsibilities are light, thereby making it is easier to get through the initial period.

If side effects become too severe, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to help you apply for temporary disability. Lastly, always keep in mind that the side effects due to interferon will totally abate after interferon therapy has been discontinued

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